Tuesday 22 November 2005

So here's the deal...

I want it all! links, pictures, vid clips of everything & anything you think will be of interest. I want to cover all aspects of BMX too, so anything from Flatland to old skool to AA pros, as long as it makes for good reading, get it in!

& it wouldn't be sub without some nice girley pics of course ;-) though I will say, keep it within the boundaries of taste (BK) as I don't want the site removed!



  1. Yo, I'm in.
    Will post stuff in here when I can. E boy, you might wanna send an invite out to some Oxford folks in the future?? Alex normally comes across some good stuff, as does Tim Hughes. Thanx to you and Ray for bringing up Road Fools 14 the other night! Am already thinking of how and when to purchase my new frame !!!!
    S boy.


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