Yea, so lack of internet at home means I aint been on for a while, gogo college "learning resource centre"!
Hope you goons had a good xmas/new years thing and shite, bring on the randomness......... I learnt 360 fakies t'other day, but lost 360 nosepicks, rubbish. Reese(or however you spell that) can allegedly do 540 nosepicks with a distinct lack of brakes, which is nice. Craig Stevens is no kind of diplomat, saturday night, when asked by angry towny geek "what are you laughing at?", he replied, still laughing "You, cos you're so livid." Coppers rolled up before blows could be exchaneged, which is fortunate, or not, depending on ya point of view. I have a fan club, partly online
LastModified=4675556159752508652but I want to get some "mikes groupies" tshirts made, and some membership cards, maybe a shitty website. And a few more hours in each day'd be good too.
If all goes according to plan, I'll be back in binbury at end of month, probably on the 25th, bleeding through are playing the zodiac on the 26th, so I wanna go to that. Karlos is coming up at around the same time, so, we'll probably rendezvous on the way and annoy people in first class!