Wednesday 8 March 2006

do any of the older lot remember this place or the ramp? I worked here when I was 14 or so, was into skateboarding but really sucked at it... the ramp was moved to a village called claydon and I beleive its stil there although unriderable


  1. I'd forgotten about this one! I remember the shop & hearing about the ramps out back, although I never saw them let alone ride them :-( but I seem to remember Sboy & I went to see these ramps somewhere (maybe? Sboy?) & they were in bits, overgrown with weeds etc...?

    Also I went into the shop towards the end of it's days & they had a sale on airwalk pumps. They had these hideous high-tops like the converse type shoes & the guy behind the counter who I'd never met before said to me

    "you can have them for an 1/8 of solid mate"


  2. Yes, I went to the ramp a couple of times, dont really remember much about it tho. loads of skaters there

  3. what sort of ramp was it? just a quarter? or half? that poster stated MIDI ramp...??

  4. it was a 4' half pipe... the geeza askin for for solid was proberbly nick, sound enough old boy, I remember some good times from there, a while later after leaving I built up a bmx (proper gheto) if I rememeber right it was a huffy frame& fork, with acs pro rotor, cd chainring, pink acorn mags red tyres and skyway bars, I was crusing down behind the old shop when Gary(the owner of the ramp & sk8 shop) stopped me and asked if I could do any tricks, "well I can sort of do a surfer I said" lets see he insisted .....I proper ate shit, grazed face, back of the hands the lot...still ave a small scar on the top of my right hand, I swapped the huffy for a road bike a couple of days later.....

  5. Yeah remember the shop vaguely but cant remember the ramp. The name Gary sounds familiar too....was this before the spiceball ramps ?


  6. yeah a bit i think... I remember us going to see some ramps somewhere that were in bits & overgrown but didn't know it it was these ramps...?

  7. changing the subject a little, ian do you remeber when we went ot see that old bowl that had been filled in at hardwick, well since then ive been tryin to find out any info on it, does anyone have any ideas what to try only im gettin nowhere, where can get any old street maps, planning servays ect..... lease help coz if I casn info on it, Im gona do my best to get it dug out!!!!!!

  8. start with banbury council...?


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