well here it is, my new ride is finished.
started it around feb time (collecting parts that is)
so its been a long time in the making.
FRAME; flybikes mosca 19.8tt, int/headset, spanish bb, Chromed.
BARS; odyssey cilvilian sevlte, Chromed.
BARENDS; loophole nylon w/ti bolt.
GRIPS; easton ID with flange's cut off.
STEM; ody elementry hand polished with Knight watson wedge & ti bolt.
STEM STACKERS; 5mm carbon fiber.
HEADSET; FSA internal.
FORKS; odyssey race, Chromed.
FRONT WHEEL; ody race vandero hub, Knight ti axle, 7075 cone nuts,
knight ti 10mm nuts, ti drilled washers, ody chrome 7-ka rim,
stainless spokes, 36 h.
REAR WHEEL; ody hazard 06 cassette hub, BSD hollow ti axle, RNC ti driver 9t,
knight ti 14mm nuts, drilled ti washers, ody chrome 7-ka rim,
stainless spokes 48h.
CRANKS; RNC race 175mm, hollow 19mm square ti axle,
7075 arms anodised black.
PEDALS; did have DK distortions (14mm ti axles mag body)
now running gusset slim jim's mag sealed.
CHAINRING; RNC ti 24t lite.
CHAIN; KMC cool SL, titanium nitrade coated.
BRAKE; dragonfly dohc lever w/ti bolt, nokon polished outer cable,
stainless inner cable, cable tidy Bicycle union modded glove, aluminium adjuster on frame,
Knight stadle hanger, ti finish flybikes brake, clark's brake pad's w/ti nuts & drilled washer's.
SEAT; macneil sl w/ti bolt
SEATPOST; macneil, shortened & hand filed & polished.
TYRES; KHE premium park.
INNER TUBES; KHE fatty lights.
other mod's include;
Frame, lower cable stop removed (cut off then filed for around 2hrs),
dropout slot's cnc'ed 6mm deeper to reduce backend length.
Axle's, all machined downso as flush with axle nuts, ( shitting myself as
this was done coz they flexed so much the machine guy thought
they may just snap!! ).
Barends, shortened internaly to allow for a shorter ti bolt.
lever adjuster, locking nut replaced with smaller polished one.
all none ti bolts were hand polished.
When I started this project I new all the parts that I wanted,
now this shouldn't really be a problem, unless the parts you want to use become
no longer available, ie RNC going tit's up!
but where there's a Ray there's a way as I like to say...
I got the ti driver from Germany,
the cranks from the liqidators state side, Bob knal sorted the chainring
through flatland fuel, oh and the seat clamp, good old Ebay.
if that was'nt enough, suddenly there's a world shortage of titanium!!!
so I had to try and get a BSD axle, somewhere,
tried all around the UK but no joy, it had to be a BSD one
as there hollow.... then one came up on Ebay, gave my miss's
strict instructions not to be out bid ( told her to go up to 150 quid) .
and I got it... a snip at 50 quid.
Bob k,
George at Knight bike co.