Monday 4 September 2006

I swear that if I fell in a bucket of shit, I'd still come up smelling of rose's

this happened at about 10 mph.... now how often do you think
I do 10 mph!!!! not that often...... was gona go to epic today
( monday ) but changed my mind at the last minute.. how lucky..
think about what the damage would have been at 110 mph..
to the car and ME................. gota laugh ent ya


  1. ooh and it was a wishbone
    ( suspension ) snapping, I have never ever seen it happen before.... crazy

  2. bob k said that it would be nice to have tread on the tyres...... its the pics, I had new tyres 2 months ago.... although this is now fucked

  3. LUCKY indeed for you then Ray! doesn't bear thinking about what might have happened going 110mph...

  4. i'll give you a hand.....
    "and today we lay to rest Raymond David James Smith"

  5. rock n roll fucker..... live it

  6. live fast die - in an FBM stylee...


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