Yooooooooooooo. Just a bit bored so thought I'd post up some exciting news from Bournemouth. So whats been going on I hear you ask...so I started back at uni this week, although I can't be fucked its quite good to get the old brain ticking again after a long time of riding lots n partying hard! Plus got some dope options this year, which might actualy get a bit more interesting...
Been riding a fair old bit the past 2 weeks, had some real good sessions at the new concrete park, and at good old Slades Farm. Been riding with the 5710 clothing lot a fair bit, real motivating riding with a group of guys who are ridculous and so diverse in they're riding. From pegless trail flow and style, to brakeless street ridiculousness, to shit like whip - ice - 27o in on 1/4's! Its like spectating at Backyard every other session pretty much, and makes you wana ride harder all the time.
Gave the old bike a lick of paint this morning, looks quite dope i thought, something new, might give the frame a dabble some time too.

Go to
www.bmxonline.com and check out a crash of the day vid from a coupla weeks back of a rider in a pool in dorste England or something like that. Thats me old mate Goggles, hes a ruler and has been off for 3 months, came riding first time back the other day which was real cool. heres a random pic of him not loving the camera, hes got the scar on his arm from 9 operations in 5 days! Mental crash, and then go contemplate how much you want me to take you to the pool shown in that vid! Oh yeh aparently Ash is in the new ride airing that pool for some more cheeky footage but I haven't seen Ride? So peep that.

Right I'm done talking for now, so I'll try n add some more updates some time with good pics. Plus I'm trying to sort out a little photography/randomness site of me own so I'll keep that fresh if it happens. Heres a few random pics for your viewing pleasure... First off we've got Ollie Gun aka Dangerous Dave Dileward aka dave Gunshot with a banging opo moto over a real good box at a park we discovered a few miles away with some good hips.

Secondly here is me mate Goth Luke from Croydon sending a dialled T down at his local, this guys rad, and loooooooooose as that. Thats lots of o's. This was from a trip we took there for a few days early summer, during June.

Heres one of Olly under his Dave Gunshot alias, cos this tables like BOOOOOM! Down the Farm some time in summer.

And finally, a great example of a rad dude I almost definetely would never know were it not for bikes that are to small. Greg is a ruler on and off the bike, one of my favourite people in the world ever. 6 months in Scotland is a bit rubbish but hes a commited man these days. definetely guna be missed hard by all. Greg rules - fact. Here he twists his signature amazing X up, he does them the best ever. Banbury box, taken Seotember 11, never forget.

If you've read to here, your nuts! Hope everyones good, miss you boys and girls more than words could say, road trips down, sort it (cough...RAY!....cough)! Take care everyone, n I'll try n get some more pics up some time. Peace out. xxxxx