Monday 9 October 2006

in my mind this is way over due.. Ian ripping it this week, he did a gap out of the double coping spine to nose pic on the volcano and it looked amazing.... nice one Ian & good work on the pic's Josh b........


  1. Ha! thanks guys, was a good Saturday session ;-) I really should go out & learn some more tricks besides Canadian nosepicks!

    Fotos came out good, cheers Josh!

  2. Rippin as always!
    Good to see you out on Ian.
    Plus how Banbury is that, some kid in a football shirt rollin a spliff on the extension in the first pic! Haha!

  3. Cheers Chaz!

    I agree with your comments & without wishing to lower the tone, those fotos are the embodiment of the Banbury park scene. Too many (s)kids hanging around on the decks, smokin' da buddah and coming off as a bunch of useless, waster, shitbags. I mean if you want to come to the ramps, why not get a bike or skate board & at least give it a go?

    Man, its too easy to be a drop-out these days...

    all imho of course.

    hope to catch up with you soon then dude...


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