first up my park' street bike: flybikes mosca 19.8tt spanish bb internal headset
odyssey race fork 41 thremal
odyssey civilian low rise bars 41 thremal
odyssey elementry stem w/ti nut/bolt & knight watson wedgie
fsa headset carbon fibre stackers
front wheel:odyssey vandero hub 36h w/ti axle & nuts homemade 7075 cone nuts: black primo spoke's odyssey 7-ka chrome rim
rear wheel: odyssey hazard hub w/ti axle, nuts& RNC 9t driver,
odyssey chrome 7-ka rim 48h
primo comet tyres
RNC cranks, homemade flush bolts
DMR mag pedals w/ti end caps & pins
macneil post 'n' seat (capital seat) w/ti bolt
gt seat clamp w/ti bolt
flybikes brake w/clarks pads( carbon mixed with rubber for better friction) alloy nut on hanger, nokon cable tech77 lever w/ti bolt
easton I'D grips, loophole nylon bar ends
flybikes 26t chainring kmc chain
mods: frame dropout slots have been cut 5mm deeper for shorter backend, all axles shortened, 1 side of pedal pins removed,drilled seat clamp( looks not weight ) cut down seat post&bars, bent lever grip flangs cut off.
flatland bike: suelo(flybikes) simple frame 19.4tt spanish bb internal headset
odyssey pro flat forks 41thermal
phil dolan bars
brickhouse stem
odyssey hazard wheelset with reloader coaster
odyssey ferquency G tyres
flybikes pegs
odyssey 165 thermal cranks
KHE pivet pedals
primo rod seat post/ gt seat, homemade seat clamp
kink headset
sprocket homemade 28t steel
easton I'D grips, flybikes barends
parts to come: brake's, gyro,new bars
hope you like my rides........coz I DO!!!!!!!
where did u find them bikes. smithy's hahahahaha
ReplyDeletefuck you dicknead.......... it was varneys!!!!!!!! wot are you riding... except your own mum....(fbm old boy by chance!!)
ReplyDeletewas real tired when I got finished doing this last night so didn't really go into why I set it up the way I do: I haven't ran pegs for about 6-7 yrs(just can't get on with them) seat is low slung cos I got the macneil post'n'seat combo when it was 1st released( with the crap og seat) and the only way to stop it getting in the way was to get it out the way, I switched from a gyro to a nokon because its way less hassle to set up, more consistant and really no differant if the bars are spun( once ) grip flang's are cut off coz I used to have a horrible habit of holding the flang instead of the grip,the rear dropouts are cut to shorten the back end for two reason's :1, so I am able to run the brake blocks as far in the brake slot as possible( more powerfull braking) :2, shorter backends really work with my style of riding.
ReplyDeleteti axle nuts coz i'm really gettin into street riding (flat rails, ledge's etc) so they last longer...... well think thats it, any questions are welcome (except anonymous whos' due a visit for me'n'my dogg!!!!!)
haven't finished my flat bike so not much to tell yet really but will post anything of interest in the future
I don’t know much about flatland but your other bike looks very nice. Def a lot of ti on there (Get is while you can cos the word is that its gunna get to expensive for the likes of us BMXers). I guess I have to ask: how much does it weigh?
ReplyDeleteNice post Ray, bikes are looking hot! think we could all do one of these bike checks??
ReplyDeletethanks for the comments boys, it ways in at a true 24lbs, I thought it weighed less ( scales were out last time, 20.4bls) but its real strong, I mean I was at epic trying to ride vert, I had a bit of a mishap at the top, my bike shot about 7-8' out the top of the coping then straight down to flat..... nothing bent or broke just the bars moved very slightly, like I said its strong
ReplyDeleteray soz 4 the comment mate ur bikes are sick . bit lite 4 me but there awsom dude
ReplyDeleteOI, Don't blame me for the comments butt teef kid made! I love your bikes Ray...haha joskes nah they're looking bare bling, hadn't seen your breakdance bike before, looks cool. Anyway, might be a stricker for me real soon...
ReplyDeleteHey Steve, if you want to be a member here email me dude. Then you can create your own topics/threads...
ReplyDeleteyo sorry chazza old boy thought it was you (def your style of insult) thanks for the the good comment..... what do you mean by "stricker"....... have you saved up and brought yourself josh!!!
ReplyDeleteNice dude, nice. I just got my warpig built up, I'll get some pics up soon as. Could do the words now I reckon, but need piccies!. "A real mans frame" or so |I've been told. Twice. In three days.
ReplyDeleteAnd A for effort on the humour front you goons.