Saturday 22 July 2006

holy shit...

Jimmy Levan...

no words required....

cheers to Ray for the heads up on this.


  1. he must of been hacking at that to get the distancem and he makes the top pretty much perfectly. Wicked. by the way...rode my bike yesterday !

  2. and how was yuor new bike then mate??

  3. Thats nothing, i jumped off the top of the multi storey into the jumpbox take off yesterday, and did a fully clicked T bar

  4. really!?!?! please post your 'animated gif' file to proove it!?!!?

    I remember when I got some scallies to hold the 'swing' bridge up @ Spiceball once & jumped onto the roof of the mill arts centre... on my Raleigh Bomber :D
    & then the river police came & read me the 'using bridges as take off ramps' act:1969 & nicked me...

    I can't proove it as video cameras hadn't been invented yet....


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